Saturday, November 21

Michigan Lady Without Medicaid Dental Coverage Dies While in the "Medical Justification" Process.

This story is a sad reminder of how untreated dental problems can cause serious illness.

This sad example is used by citizen groups to put pressure on the governor of Michigan to reinstate Medicaid Dental Coverage for adult Medicaid recipients in Michigan.

The mentally impaired lady in Michigan died during the medical justification process. This process could be avoided if she got dental care through her medicaid on time. Unfortunately she lost the dental part of medicaid coverage July 1st in Michigan.

In California, the dental portion of Medical, known as Denti Cal, went away on July 1st as well.


The patient was scheduled for surgery June 26 but was sent home by the anesthesiologist because of fluid in her lungs. [...] The procedure was rescheduled, but adult dental Medicaid benefits were cut July 1. [...] The patient died while hospital staff [...] were working to get medical justification for the procedure from an oncologist.

Do you have untreated dental issues causing you pain and no dental coverage?

Do not allow a lack of coverage or even a slow administrative "justification process" prevent you from getting your health back. You do not have to wait to get your much needed dental services. Find a great dental plan in your area, search for a dentist that accepts it and get yourself checked and diagnosed. Don't let a relatively small amount money prevent you from getting your good health back. And, especially, don't wait on your Governor to help you if you can help yourself faster and better.

--Dental Cool

Recommended links for dental insurance and dental plans information

Dental Insurance Information, Mostly for California

Nationwide Selection of Dental Plans