Q.:I would like information on dental insurance rates, on dental insurance for individual and percent coverage. I need work done, primarily dental implants. I also need root canals, ten of them. Right now I need one implant.
I've got a quote for this implant of about $2000, $900 for the implant and the rest for the dental crown. Root canals are $600 without coverage. I would like coverage asap. I have previously considered going to a dental school clinic but this route turned out to be very time consuming. So I want to go the private dentist office route. Dental implant will need to "sit in" for six months before I put on the crown. I really wanted to get to the dentist now to prevent further decay of teeth needing root canals.
J. N., Philadelphia, PA
A.: Dear J. N., In your situation you need the best dental discount plan you can get. A plan with highest percentage savings, no waiting periods, if possible no deductibles, and no exclusions on restorative work such as root canals or implants. There are several reasons why this will be the best solution for you. First, you want to get the implant work started asap and you want your root canals soon. Second, you have a lot of work to be done, well over typical dental insurance for individual carries annual maximums of $1000 to $3000. I will give you a list of dental discount plans for individuals. Make sure savings on root canals and implants are satisfactory, make sure you have a selection of dentists and specialists within the driving distance from your zip code, and sign up for one of the plans. There will be no waiting periods and you can start scheduling your appointment with a participating dentist as soon as tomorrow.
--Dental Cool
Dental Plans with no waiting periods no exclusions on services and no annual limits